Monday, January 08, 2007

maag; opaque quiet

I showed my still video at MAAG: the McMurdo Alternative Art Gathering. I joined a team of dedicated folks, together we organized and curated the MAAG events early last month. The event was very different from my jewelry sales, my role as an artist was behind the scenes.

As encompassing as the silence can be out on the sea ice or in the deep field, social silence here at McMurdo is non-existent. 1000 people live on station. 2 to 4 people share a room. I have three lovely roommates, who all work different shifts. The station runs 24 hours and day and each science support employee works 60 hours a week. In my room, there is not one hour of the day in which we can talk above a whisper: It is a 24-hour sleep space.

And gossip howls like the wind. Work and personal life is indistinguishable. All space is public, someone is always watching and thus everyone can know. Quiet is rare.


I also created an interactive space, titled:

opaque quiet.

In the mechanic equipment shop of the Science Support Center, our gallery, I constructed an 8’ L x 8’ W x 10’ H room with visqueen plastic. The space became a sanctuary of silence amidst the social sea of the MAAG opening. The entry had a rounded arch and was low so those who entered had to bow their heads. A small visqueen sign hung just above the entry. It read: “This is a silent space. If desired you are invited to communicate non-verbally”. A sign to the right read: “Please Remove your shoes”.

Inside two hanging globe lights hovered over two army cots. Each sat one inch from the floor. On a wood block at the far end of the room rested a stack of manila cards and ballpoint pens.

The silent sanctuary was a dedicated space observable to all but from within you were required not to react. Intimate words were shared without rumors whispering them into the night.

Upon exiting the sanctuary, a sign to the left sat above a wooden block and said: Please place your written conversations here.


To think, next year I want to come back.
To the silence, to the closter phobia, to the vastness,
To the ice.

Sunday, January 07, 2007


Penguins make me sooo happy.

And today, I definitely wasn't the only happy one!

The weather here this austral summer has been really special. The channel, broken out by the icebreakers, has become a penguin highway. As the temperature increased and the air began to blow the quick ice in the bay out to the liquid ocean a group of over 100 ADELE PENGUINS arrived just off Hut Point near the ice pier!

Hundreds of people pilgrimaged out to Scott's Hut (Hut Point) to see all these cute squabbling fellows.

Oh, they are so animated and curious. Waddling about, investigating all of their admirers.

They came within 5 feet of me when I sat still. And squawked, picking up rocks and bringing them back to their colony. I sat at the point for hours and feel that I glowed with their carefree-ness for days.

I am one of the luckiest people alive.

Monday, January 01, 2007

icestock 2006

On New Years Eve day, McMurdo parties with the Annual Icestock, an all day outdoor music festival with a town wide chilli contest!

This year the event, of course, was a total hit! I went out to see Toothless Sean, a folksy rockstar. *grin*

We danced our hearts out, played games (including freesbe, and this old school hammer game, which of course I cannot name!).

And then, when the chill got to my bones I stopped by Sawbucks for a free coffee drink spiked with my choice of whiskey! I take after my grandpa because my do I like whiskey on a cold summer afternoon.